Most states do not require individuals to have motorcycle insurance. However, if you are financing a bike, the lender is definitely going to require you to purchase motorcycle insurance. It is a good idea to get insurance whether you are buying a bike flat-out or if you are financing. You never know what can happen. If you hurt somebody while riding, you want your assets to be protected. Also, you want to protect your investment in the event your motorcycle is stolen. Beside theft coverage, you can buy deterrents that will help safeguard your bike.

Below are some terms that will help you understand how motorcycle insurance works and how to get the right coverage. We also feature information that will help you get the lowest rates possible.

For general maintenance coverage, prepaid maintenance contracts should be considered.

Insurance Terms - Educate Yourself!
It is very important to familiarize yourself with the common terms associated with motorcycle insurance. What's good is that motorcycle insurance works similarly to auto insurance. Therefore many of the terms are related.

1. Liability - If you injure someone with your bike, liability covers the medical bills of the person you hurt.

2. Guest Passenger Liability - The same as regular liability, except that you pay for the medical bills of someone that is riding with you.

3. Medical Payments - Covers your medical bills

4. Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist - Covers your medical bills and damage if you are in an accident that is someone else's fault who does not have insurance or not enough insurance.

5. Collision - Pays for damage you incur to your motorcycle.

6. Comprehension - Pays for damage to your bike from elements like flood or vandalism.

7. Gap coverage - Type of coverage that pays the difference in the compensated amount and what you owe for your loan in the event that your bike is totaled and needs to be replaced.

Motorcycle Insurance Discounts - Know Them!
There are certain factors that if you abide to or pertain to you, will permit you to receive discounts for your motorcycle insurance.

1. Garage Kept - If you keep your bike in your garage when not in use, it is less likely to be stolen. Insurance companies offer a nice discount if this pertains to you.

2. Recreation - If you use your bike for recreation use only and not as a means for transportation all the time, you will receive a discount.

3. Theft Prevention - If you have an alarm on your bike, you will receive a small discount.

4. Multiple Bikes - If you have more than one bike insured with the same company, you will receive a discount.

5. Safety Course - You will receive a discount if you take a motorcycle safety course.

6. New Carrier - If you are purchasing insurance with a new company, you will receive a discount.

Insurance Companies
I suggest that you search for 'motorcycle insurance' on You should receive multiple companies that will all likely offer competitive rates with similar coverage. Take your time and research each company to find a carrier that most satisfies your needs. If you have questions that you would like answered before you purchase motorcycle insurance, feel free to contact us. We will help you in any way that we can.

Check out the motorcycle glossary for more terms related to bike insurance.


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